Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 5-One Day to Live

The last day of my life would be spent with family and friends. They are the ones that made me who I am and they are one of the most important influences in my life. I would tell them how much they mean to me and wish them good luck with their life. I would remind them to keep God close and with God you can do anything. My last meals would probably be Cracker Barrel blackberry pancakes for breakfast, a Culver's cheeseburger for lunch, and Pizza Hut Pan Cheese Pizza for dinner. I would like to go on a cruise with all my friends and we would take lots of pictures and enjoy our last day together.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 4-Must See TV

If I could create a new reality show, I think it would be cool to have researcher that go around and test products. They would then present these results for the products and tell you which ones work and what doesn't. It is frustrating when there are so many products, but you can't buy them all and it would take forever to find what product would be best. Each week, a celebrity such as LeBron James or Anne Hathaway would come and report on some of their favorite products and where you can buy them. This show would be set in New York because it is a place of huge industry. I don't no what it would be called. Maybe something like "Our Time Saves Your Cash."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 3-Volleyball Season

I really hope that this year's volleyball team is very successful. So far our record is 4-4. If we can just make it past getting use to the new coach and the new team, we will do great. One of our goals is to place in the top three teams for the Cornbelt Conference. Then hopefully we can make it through regionals and sectionals so that we can go to state! We will have to work extra hard though and everyone has to have their head in the game or else we won't accomplish our goals. Our theme for the year comes from the song "Jump on It!" This means that we need to seize the opportunity to start off on top and beat the other team!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 2-What animal represents me?

I think that the animal that I most resemble is a gazelle. Gazelles are quick animals that have to run away from predators as fast as they can. I think that I am pretty fast when it comes to running and I am a quick and efficient thinker like a gazelle would have to be. Gazelles also seem like laid back animals that love to eat and relax which is something I also enjoy doing. Gazelles have a simple, but truthful beauty to them which I think I kind of resemble. At times, gazelles seem shy which I sometimes am. Overall, I think a gazelle reprents me well.