Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 1 Fun Scary or Scary Scary

One of the most fun, yet scariest experiences for me was riding my first upside-down rollercoaster. My mom loves roller coasters so she always encouraged me to go on an upside down roller coaster. There was just something about how they looked that freaked me out though. When we went to Disney World five years ago, we rode Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. Since it was in the dark, I never knew that it went upside down, but I loved the ride. Once I realized that it did go upside down I was so excited and proud of myself for being able to ride it and enjoy it. Now I love all types of roller coasters, especially the ones with corkscrews and upside down loops!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 8- Halloween Memories

I love Halloween and getting to dress up in cool costumes. One of my favorites costumes was from last year. I was an 80's workout person so I wore a big retro T-shirt, purple leggings, headband, tons of make up, belt, tennis shoes and teased hair. It was a lot of fun to get dressed up and then go trick-or-treating. Every year, my family goes to my grandma's house in Tremont on the night of Halloween and she makes us awesome chili and noodles. Then we go around town with my cousins and get lots of candy! Once we return to my grandma's house, we all sort our candy and trade with the other cousins if we get things we don't want. As a family tradition, my sister and I always carve pumpkins with my dad and then set them out on our side porch. I hate cleaning out all of the nasty goop inside the pumpkins, but the result is worth it. This year I may spend Halloween with my friends, but it is sure to be fun!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 7-6 Months in Paradise

If I had to spend six months in the natural world, I would live on a beautiful deserted island. All around me would be bananas, cute little monkeys, brightly colored fish, and crystal clear ocean water. I have always wanted to go to an island and see all of the beauty that God created without being disturbed by the modern industry that we have today. I would have to learn how to make food and shelter, but it would be a lot of fun to be challenged with things that I take for granted. After I took this trip, I think my lifestyle would be a lot simpler and I would have more appreciation for the things I have and for God's creation.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 6-Censorship

Censorship can be good and bad at the same time. It is good because it keeps people from being offended, but it can be bad because if it is taken to the extreme, there wouldn't be a lot of books to read. We as students, should be allowed to read whatever kind of book we want and authors should be able to write whatever kind of book they want. It is our choice and we should have the freedom to read what we like. If it goes against something that we believe in, then it should be our decision to stop reading it. If a book has no good morals or values and many people disagree with it, it is acceptable to ban the book. If only a small group of people disagree with a book, but more people agree with the book, it should not be banned.