Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 7-6 Months in Paradise

If I had to spend six months in the natural world, I would live on a beautiful deserted island. All around me would be bananas, cute little monkeys, brightly colored fish, and crystal clear ocean water. I have always wanted to go to an island and see all of the beauty that God created without being disturbed by the modern industry that we have today. I would have to learn how to make food and shelter, but it would be a lot of fun to be challenged with things that I take for granted. After I took this trip, I think my lifestyle would be a lot simpler and I would have more appreciation for the things I have and for God's creation.


  1. your picture is really pretty. :)I would totally go there too. :p

  2. if i were to live by myself on the island i would want some kind or tropical pet

  3. Yeah sounds pretty cool except for that dragons live on desert islands too so you might get eaten by one.

  4. Ewww i would not like the bananas. but the island so look very pretty.

  5. i said i wanted to live on an island too! haha. somewhere like your picture :)
