Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 3- if i were

If I were a superhero, I would totally be elastigirl from The Incredibles. Not only is she super cool, but she can stretch like a rubber band! She is very brave and it would be really cool to have her powers.

If I were a food, I would be Häggen Daz Raspberry sorbet. It is sooo good. Not only is it all natural, but it is really good for you except for the sugar. If I could, I would eat a whole container of the sorbet at once.

Since my favorite color is bright blue, I would choose blue for myself if I were a color. It reminds me of a crystal clear ocean and is very soothing and beautiful.

If I could be a car, I would definitely be a spider eclipse convertible. I love the look of the car and if it was a convertible it would be even better. Every time I see one I say, "Hey, there is my dream car!"


  1. oh my goodness i love that car!!

  2. The superpowers, car, and color are cool but raspberry ice cream? Ice cream has to be chocolate not fruity

  3. it's actually sorbet if you want to be technical
