Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 4- What would i do with $5,000,000?!

If I had $5,000,000, I would be super pumped. I can't really think of anything that I need, but there I definatley things that I wouldn't mind having. First, I would donate at least a million of the money to charities such as Food for the Hungry and Operation Smile. Part of that million would also go to my church or missionaries. I would invest another million in the bank so that I could earn interest. I don't know how much money it would cost, but my parents 20th anniversary is in 5 days so I would use some of the money to send them on a cruise. The rest of the money would be spent on me probably. It would be really fun to take Ashley, Taylor, Kassi, Hannah, and myself on a trip around the world. We could shop at expensive world famous stores and eat fancy dinners. We would fly around on a private jet. The trip would end with a cruise somewhere in the carribean. I am guessing that there would still be some money left so I would just save it until I had a reason to use it.

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