Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yearly Awards- Last Blog

Most Interesting Part of This Class:
I liked learning about how people cover up the truth in teaching about history just to look good. Now, I know what really happened and it makes history more interesting. I also liked how brigs explained things from the previous day's readings cause otherwise I would probably not have understood what was goin on.

Most Boring/Useless Part of This Class: Probably trying to read all of the poems and stories and answering questions for the transdentental unit. Everything kinda just blended together and it is hard to remember things from that unit now.

Hardest I Laughed in This Class: Whenever Hish and Brigs would sing like indians or when brigs sang "Circle of Life." I think that I laughed so hard that I started crying.

Thing That I Learned That Will Be Most Useful to Know in the Real World: I think that it is interesting and important to look back to how our country began and where we are today. Some of our ideas and beliefs have changed over the years and now I know why.

Best Thing About Brigs as a Teacher: Never gets mad and is very understanding and helpful. He also makes me laugh atleast twice a day.

Thing Brigs Could do to Make This Class Better For Future Classes: I would offer more time to work on the make your mark project. I am sure that people would still procrastinate, but it's hard for people in sports and other activites to find time to get this project finished.