Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yearly Awards- Last Blog

Most Interesting Part of This Class:
I liked learning about how people cover up the truth in teaching about history just to look good. Now, I know what really happened and it makes history more interesting. I also liked how brigs explained things from the previous day's readings cause otherwise I would probably not have understood what was goin on.

Most Boring/Useless Part of This Class: Probably trying to read all of the poems and stories and answering questions for the transdentental unit. Everything kinda just blended together and it is hard to remember things from that unit now.

Hardest I Laughed in This Class: Whenever Hish and Brigs would sing like indians or when brigs sang "Circle of Life." I think that I laughed so hard that I started crying.

Thing That I Learned That Will Be Most Useful to Know in the Real World: I think that it is interesting and important to look back to how our country began and where we are today. Some of our ideas and beliefs have changed over the years and now I know why.

Best Thing About Brigs as a Teacher: Never gets mad and is very understanding and helpful. He also makes me laugh atleast twice a day.

Thing Brigs Could do to Make This Class Better For Future Classes: I would offer more time to work on the make your mark project. I am sure that people would still procrastinate, but it's hard for people in sports and other activites to find time to get this project finished.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 5- Crazy Laws

In our own state of Illinois, a law requires a woman to call her male companion "master while on a date." This law is not invalid for married women. I can't believe that a law exists that does this. Maybe this would be okay hundreds of years ago, but I think this law needs an update!

This law is just plain weird. In Maryland, it is illegal to take a lion to the movies. Why would anyone even have access to a lion in the first place and why would they take it to a movie of all places???

In Carmel, New York, a man cannot be seen in public wearing pants and a jacket that don't match. Okay, first of all, the man could be colorblind. Second of all, who cares??

In Youngstown, Ohio, it is illegal to run out gas. What happens if you are in a traffic jam or a road is closed so you have to take the scenic route and you run out of gas? Can they really fine you for something as innocent as that??

These laws make me laugh a lot! They are soooooooooooooo crazy!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 4- What would i do with $5,000,000?!

If I had $5,000,000, I would be super pumped. I can't really think of anything that I need, but there I definatley things that I wouldn't mind having. First, I would donate at least a million of the money to charities such as Food for the Hungry and Operation Smile. Part of that million would also go to my church or missionaries. I would invest another million in the bank so that I could earn interest. I don't know how much money it would cost, but my parents 20th anniversary is in 5 days so I would use some of the money to send them on a cruise. The rest of the money would be spent on me probably. It would be really fun to take Ashley, Taylor, Kassi, Hannah, and myself on a trip around the world. We could shop at expensive world famous stores and eat fancy dinners. We would fly around on a private jet. The trip would end with a cruise somewhere in the carribean. I am guessing that there would still be some money left so I would just save it until I had a reason to use it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 3- if i were

If I were a superhero, I would totally be elastigirl from The Incredibles. Not only is she super cool, but she can stretch like a rubber band! She is very brave and it would be really cool to have her powers.

If I were a food, I would be Häggen Daz Raspberry sorbet. It is sooo good. Not only is it all natural, but it is really good for you except for the sugar. If I could, I would eat a whole container of the sorbet at once.

Since my favorite color is bright blue, I would choose blue for myself if I were a color. It reminds me of a crystal clear ocean and is very soothing and beautiful.

If I could be a car, I would definitely be a spider eclipse convertible. I love the look of the car and if it was a convertible it would be even better. Every time I see one I say, "Hey, there is my dream car!"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 2- A star is born

If I could star in a movie, I would want to have a role that is very different than my usual life. Something like an adventure movie or mystery movie. Definitely not a horror movie though. I hate scary movies! It might also be fun to be in a chick flick that would have lots of funny scenes. I would want the location of my movie to be at some exotic location that I have never been to before. An island or famous city overseas would be a cool place to travel and you would get to spend a lot of time in a new culture. My costars would include Alex O'Loughlin or Patrick Dempsey and Rachel McAdams and Reese Witherspoon. My wardrobe would include many expensive brands and it would be really fun to have my hair and makeup done everyday for the set!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 1 Fun Scary or Scary Scary

One of the most fun, yet scariest experiences for me was riding my first upside-down rollercoaster. My mom loves roller coasters so she always encouraged me to go on an upside down roller coaster. There was just something about how they looked that freaked me out though. When we went to Disney World five years ago, we rode Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. Since it was in the dark, I never knew that it went upside down, but I loved the ride. Once I realized that it did go upside down I was so excited and proud of myself for being able to ride it and enjoy it. Now I love all types of roller coasters, especially the ones with corkscrews and upside down loops!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 8- Halloween Memories

I love Halloween and getting to dress up in cool costumes. One of my favorites costumes was from last year. I was an 80's workout person so I wore a big retro T-shirt, purple leggings, headband, tons of make up, belt, tennis shoes and teased hair. It was a lot of fun to get dressed up and then go trick-or-treating. Every year, my family goes to my grandma's house in Tremont on the night of Halloween and she makes us awesome chili and noodles. Then we go around town with my cousins and get lots of candy! Once we return to my grandma's house, we all sort our candy and trade with the other cousins if we get things we don't want. As a family tradition, my sister and I always carve pumpkins with my dad and then set them out on our side porch. I hate cleaning out all of the nasty goop inside the pumpkins, but the result is worth it. This year I may spend Halloween with my friends, but it is sure to be fun!